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Waking up in a mindful way


Updated: Mar 18, 2021

Waking Up In a Mindful Way

· Do you just wake up, jump up and steam off into your day?

· Do you just autopilot your way through your to do list to get

out the door in time?

· Have you left something behind?

Well the chances are you have - yourself! Well not literally, but that physical sense that you feel grounded and, in your body, and able to handle things in a more flexible, non-reactive way.

When we zoom off out of our bodies in this way, we never quite catch up with ourselves as these habits feel normal. But they are just that, habits well formed in the brain where we live outside of our bodies, by habitually living ahead of ourselves in planning or constantly going over the past.

But we can change this and be present to our lives in the moment. With practice we can learn to empower ourselves by taking the mini bits of self-care throughout our day, starting with the way we wake up.

How to start your day in a mindful way

Pause :

When you have finished snoozing the alarm. Pause. Gently notice with all your senses. What can I hear, what can I see, what do I feel in my body and around my body from the bed clothes?

This pause is to allow yourself to become grounded and present to your body and this moment, to feel connected, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant.

Taking that time to maybe have a few stretches (I do a few minutes of yoga stretches which releases tension from the night). When you do get out of bed, really feel your feet on the floor for a few seconds, set your intention to value you, your time and your connections, as you are a unique human being, not a doing machine!

Slow it down:

Autopilot is that wonderful skill we have of achieving most things without actually being present to any of it. Tea, what tea, I don’t remember drinking that! Who took my toast? Yep you did eat it, but what a shame you were not present to the taste of it!

Slowing things down does not mean we will not get things done, it means we will have a better time and be happier because we noticed the taste of our drink and food and enjoyed the smile of our partner, children or housemate.

I really welcome your comments below. Let’s make this blog a community of real support. How did you get on with these mini practices? What would you like to hear more about from me?

I live what I share, it is not just theory to me, you and me really matter.

With my warmest wishes. Soo Strong

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