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Shed those Labels and Reclaim Your Power


Updated: May 1, 2021

Shed Those Labels and Reclaim your Power:

What labels have your been given in your lifetime?

Which ones have stuck from childhood?

Which ones do you believe and still influence the way you think, feel and behave?

Well let's start shedding some of them right now!

When I was a child I was told 'you have a chip on your shoulder' (you are too sensitive) or shouted at 'Clarence the boss eyed lion', or 'you are nothing but trouble'. This set my nervous system up to be anxious and afraid and definitely to not like or believe in myself. With the right support at the time, we do not take the labels on, we are helped to dump them.

These labels came from school and from family and often as we get older we take them on ourselves. Unfortunately I believed them and lived like I was pretty worthless and felt socially anxious and developed generalised anxiety about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for no obvious reason.

Fast forward many years and 90% of this has gone. When I am triggered, I have the inner resources to be aware and handle things lovingly and compassionately, so am not destabilised for long.

Labels are for parcels, not for humans!! They give direction and ensure that things are registered factually. When we label humans we tend to follow the direction as fact, some of the time, even if we do not quite believe it, we are impacted on some cellular level. We do not have to squeeze ourselves into boxes! So let us unpick this a little.

Labels often come in opposites, you are this and not that. Some are promoted as having more social value than others. They are so much more that describing experiences, they are often full of assumptions and can become embedded in our nervous system and shape how we limit ourselves.

Pick just one that has negatively stuck in you and question, do I want this, or do I want to shed it and make space for new empowering beliefs about myself?

Some labels can support us, but it is important to not cling too tightly to them. I remember when I finally stopped resisting the label 'anxiety' on my sick notes in the past. It became very healing to understand so much of what had been really hard for me in my life, and I was able to claim it for awhile with deep compassion, which led to deep healing. When something can make me anxious (like in the early stages of the coronavirus), I named it what it was (anxiety) and cared deeply enough to transform it in each moment..

So which labels will you accept as they serve you and which will you shed as they constrain you? What is a positive and inspiring one you would like for yourself? For me I like courageous or open-minded or compassionate. But like all things, these are just some of the time. Other times, our experiences don't feel so positive and this is just riding the waves of life.

I hope that this inspires you to shed even one label that is holding you back in some way today. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section.

With my warmest wishes for your life.

Soo x

Other Ways to Work with Me and Stay in Touch:

If you would like some one to one support I would love to connect with you. I offer a short 1:1 coaching session: 30 minute FREE Discovery Calls can be booked directly in Calendly

Website Testimonials:

Instagram Tropic Skincare and makeup page: (Cruelty Free, Vegan and natural) soostrong8tropics

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